Geneological family tree surname Orga |
Work done by Valenti Gual Vilà, Doctor of History and Professor of Modern History at the University of Barcelona. Rocafort de Queralt, April 2, 1996 Abbreviations:
Catalan of the period as stated in the original document: Vui a 4 de desembre 1611 foren acabades les tres monestacions sobre lo matrimoni faedor de una part ab Pere de Horga del regne de Fransa del loch de Lui bisbat de Tarba fill de Joan de Horga y de sa muler Maria diffunts ab Caterina donsella filla de Andreu Clarassó difunt del loch de Sta. Perpetua y de Angela sa muller vivint de part altra y no trobantse ningun impediment per a que dit matrimoni no dega tenir son degut effecte son estats espossats ab lisensia de mon señor Illm. don Joan Vich per mi Rafel Saua rector de Sta. Perpetua vui a 18 de desembre 1611, prengeren benedictio los sobredit en la iglessia de Sta. Perpetua vui a 16 de gener 1612. |
English translation: Today at 4 December 1611 ended the three warnings about the maker marriage with Pere part of the kingdom of France Horga Place Lui bishopric of Tarba son of Joan of Horga and his wife Maria died with maiden daughter Caterina Andreu it Clarassó deceased from the place of Santa Perpetua and Angela his wife live elsewhere and not finding any impediment to the said marriage has the effect because they are married to Bishop Ilm license. Don Joan Vich for Saua Rafel pastor of St. Perpetua server today at 18 December 1611, taking the benediction said in the church of Santa Perpetua today January 16, 1612. |
12.18.1611 -Pere de (H) orga, from the kingdom of France, place d'Hui, Bishopric of Tarba, son of Joan and Mary, deceased. -Caterina Clarasó, maiden, daughter of Andreu and Angela, live, from Santa Perpetua. (= SP) |
05.20.1680 |
-Jeroni Orga Palau, son of Andreu and Josepa.-Maria Àngela Canaleta |
-Anton Orga Canaleta, unmarried, farmer, de SP, son of Jeroni i de Maria (=SP) Àngela, deceased, of Santa Perpètua.
-Teresa Armajach Llorach,maiden, daughter of Salvador and Teresa, living, from Santa Perpètua.
05.02.1810 |
- Manuel Orga Armajach, unmarried, farmer, son of Anton and Teresa, lives. (=SP) -Rosalia Casulleres Arnabat, doncella de Vallespinosa, dauhter of Magí and Magina, lives, from Vermellà.
01.03.1818 |
-Manuel Orga Armajach, vodower of Rosalia Casulleres, son of 'Anton and Teresa. (=SP)
-Teresa Clarasó Batet, maiden, daughter of Ramon, de Montalegre, and Maria, from Valldeperes.
01.22.1839 |
-Ramon Orga Clarasó, boy unmarried, son of Manuel and Teresa, lives. (=SP)
-Magina Armajach Prats, maiden, daughter of Magí, from Santa Perpètua, and Maria, from Santa Coloma de Queralt.
01.31.1886 |
-Pere Orga Armajach, son of Ramon and Magina. (C.M.)
-Rosa Orga Gual, daughter of Josep Orga Bartolí and Josepa Gual Pontnou, neighbors from Vallespinosa.
10.10.1912 |
-Ramon Orga Orga, son of Pere and Rosa.
(=SCQ) -Enriqueta Torrent Sierra, daughter of Antoni Torrent Roset, from Sant Martí de Provençals, y de Andrea Sierra, from Muel (Zaragoza).
04.03.1946 |
-Pere Orga Torrent, son of Ramon y Enriqueta. (=SCQ) -Antònia Mestre Tarragó, daughter of Josep Mestre Rabell and Josepa Tarragó Palau, from Sant Gallard.
01.05.1983 |
-Ramon Orga Mestre, son of Pere and Antònia (=SCQ) -Núria Esteve Batet, daughter of Marià from Vilafranca del Penedès andTrinitat from Les Cases Noves de Ca'n Pardo, Sant Joan de Mediona
18.06.2007 |
- Ariadna Orga Esteve, daughter de Ramon i Núria (= El Caire Egipte) - Mahmoud Ahmed Abdala son of Ahmed and Khairia fromKom Ombo - Aswan Egipte
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